Dr Anna Colton
Clinical psychologist
Media expert
Dr Anna Colton
Clinical psychologist.
Media expert guest.
Performance and executive coach.

"I am now the person I should have been years ago.”
Life’s hard. Stuff happens. But it doesn’t have to derail you.
Whether you perform on a stage, in a boardroom or in a theatre, getting your mindset right is critical if you want to be the best you can be.
When fear, self-doubt and overwhelm get their feet in the door though, and make themselves comfortable, the very things you once enjoyed and excelled at, can feel challenging and tortuous.
But, it doesn't have to be that way.
Together we will unearth what's impeding your success, show you how to be the master of your own mind, and rediscover the love for what you do.
I knew from the way she challenged me in the first session that she understood me like no-one ever before.
You can choose to bring your best self to everything you do
Feel empowered
Anxiety is a bully. Build a toolbox and learn strategies to stand up to the bully in your head, and feel back in control.
Manage your emotions
Fear and self-doubt love to sneak in and wreak havoc. Learn how to understand and take charge of your emotions, rather than have them in charge of you.
Make better choices
When life happens, you get to choose how you deal with it. Learn to understand your mind so you can choose wisely and kindly.
Get out of your own way
Getting stuck in a state of fight/flight/freeze will keep you trapped. Understand what's going on in your brain and body, and become free to choose whatever you want to do.
Be who you want to be
Staying at the top of your game isn't about having someone to hold you up. It's about knowing you have the tools and support you need to be the person you want to be.
Focus on solutions
Trying to control what's going on around you is futile & exhausting. Learn how to understand what's going on inside you and focus on performing at your best.